An album is (arguably) a collection of hit singles, supplemented with filler tracks.
Shouldn’t every single track be a hit single? Well… If all tracks were hits, the so-called hit singles would no longer stand out.
On the hit single “Many Men (Wish Death)”, 50 Cent rapped:
Sunny days wouldn’t be special if it wasn’t for rain. Joy wouldn’t feel so good if it wasn’t for pain.
An uncomplicated metaphor. There wouldn’t be “good” in the absence of “bad.” At least, it would be pretty difficult to distinguish good from bad. Without being able to make a distinction, it becomes almost impossible to compare.
Entrepreneurs put their hearts into every single one of their products and services. Yet and still, within their range of offerings, some will be more appreciated than others. That’s totally fine.
Eliminating fillers, down to the very last one, is counter-productive.