douchebag idol

They say: “never meet your heroes.” Why? If your idol is a total douchebag, you’re going to feel completely devastated and you’ll be left with more questions than answers.

What if engaging in intellectually fulfilling conversation with your idol doesn’t work out. Maybe watching sand run through an hourglass proves to be a more stimulating activity than talking with them.

It’s your idol’s good right to be a total douchebag. It’s not your right to expect them not to be.

If you meet your idol — deliberately or accidentally — see how you can provide value for them. Perhaps, your idol will create value for you one day. Don’t count on it, though.

Get rid of the emotional layer of worship when running into your idol and get to work.

diamond density

At about sixteen years old, I woke up from a failed surgery. Doctors wanted to operate on fibral displacement in my face. Fibral displacement refers to bone and tissue presence in the body, in places where it shouldn’t be, also associated with benign tumors.

Afterward, the surgeons told me that they could not remove the bone, wrecking their drills and equipment while trying. Everybody involved had mixed feelings. On the one hand, with the fibral displacement gone, my situation would have improved. On the other hand, the surgeons were seemingly astonished due to the fact they crushed their equipment. Claiming the density was greater than that of diamonds.

A heck of a oneliner. One I’ve used a couple dozen times, even though it’s hard for me to verify the authenticity of the claim.

The more authority somebody has, the faster and easier we are inclined to believe them. Nevertheless, critical analysis and healthy skepticism shouldn’t decrease depending on the level of authority.