2020 was both the best and worst year thus far.
The inability to achieve mundane and ambitious goals makes 2020 one of the worst years ever. Stuck indoors. Unable to meet family, friends, and clients. Many of us were overcome by a feeling of helplessness, witnessing infection rates rising. People were suffering from illnesses. Many lives were lost. Tragic really.
On the other hand, the best year ever because 2020 made us appreciate what we have even more. After all, gratitude is one of the best attitudes.
Running a business is, more often than not, a rollercoaster with a rapid succession of ups and downs. That was terrifying! Let’s do it again. Success stories of businesses with track records consisting out of nothing but smooth sailing are scarce. When push comes to shove, and those types of companies encounter a setback, it’ll be much harder for them to redeem themselves. They have no memory or experience to draw from in those demanding situations.
Franklin D. Roosevelt had it right when he said: “a smooth sea never made a skilled sailor.” Weather the storm, relentlessly. Acknowledge the learnings and ride the waves.